With every purchase that you make you are supporting the wildlife that you can see in my wildlife films. See below how you can become a supporter and other ways in which you can donate. 



In exchange for a small subscription fee, Robert would like to invite you to support his work by becoming a member of his supporter community. Your contribution will go towards the wildlife conservation and rehabilitation work he does as well as help towards the costs of livestreaming and producing his wildlife films. In return, he can offer you exclusive, behind the scenes content as well as the chance to join a growing community of compassionate and engaged wildlife lovers. 

Benefits of supporting Robert's work


Get access to exclusive content such as videos, photos & personal updates


Receive exclusive discounts on other products and be first to know about new products


A place for supporters to discuss  wildlife topics and chat with a
like-minded community


You will be positively contributing to a worthwhile cause that promotes wildlife conservation

"I believe in protecting and conserving wild creatures by creating ideal habitats for animals to live, breed, and thrive in.

"It is my mission to make wildlife accessible to everyone and I share their stories on my live streams and on film so that wildlife lovers around the world can learn more about their extraordinary lives".

Start supporting now....

CHOOSE YOUR PLATFORM: If you would like to support Robert, please follow the links below.  The choice of platform is entirely up to you.



Join my growing Supporters group on Facebook

PRICE | £3.49 per month



Sign up to become a member on my YouTube channel




Support my work via my Patreon page

PRICE | £3 + sales tax per month



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Robert's work with animals


For more than 20 years now, Robert has worked to conserve barn owl populations on the Yorkshire Wolds. He has put up owl boxes, delivered supplementary food during extreme winters and advised landowners on how to support wild populations on their property.


Robert is the UK's leading authority on weasel and stoat rehabilitation and regularly takes in rescues from around the country to prepare for release in the wild. This work began with Twiz, a tiny weasel kit that made its way into Robert's heart

Building Habitats

Robert builds and develop habitats to encourage wildlife to thrive. In 2021, he dug out ponds and put up bird boxes in ash woodland near his home. The results have been amazing, with badger, deer, owls and kestrels all moving in.


See my work in Action

Owls | Kestrels |Buzzards | Stoats & More

I’ve put the hard work in, so you can enjoy following the secret world of the animals that I’ve helped.

Follow the stories of owls, birds of prey and mammals as they court, breed and raise their young.

You will be contributing directly to funding both the creation of the habitats, my wildlife work and the infrastructure that goes behind these projects.


Robert believes passionately in wildlife conservation through the preservation of habitat. This approach to wildlife protection begins at home, where he has developed his own garden into a haven for both garden birds and predators such as owls, kestrels, and stoats, and extends to projects across Yorkshire. 

He has dug ponds, put up nest boxes, and planted native wildflowers all around his home and the surrounding countryside in order to provide water, shelter and homes for wildlife. He also supports landowners by advising them on best practice to help the wild creatures living on their land, and even advises on global owl conservation.

Robert also protects individual wild animals. Each year tiny tawny owlets, fluffy barn owls, prickly hedgehogs, and boisterous stoat kits get handed in to his home so that he can release them safely back into the wild. His expertise as a wildlife rehabilitator means his advice is sought after nationally and he often travels the length of the country to collect injured or abandoned animals.

But at the heart of all that Robert does, are the stories that he shares on film and via his livestreams. He fervently believes in fostering a wider understanding of wildlife conservation and hopes to inspire others to do their bit to protect wild creatures around the world. In a world that has become increasingly divorced from nature, he hopes that by sharing the individual stories of animals he can inspire people to protect these creatures. 

All this costs time, effort and money. But with your support, Robert can keep on helping wildlife and sharing his stories with the world! Please help Robert to help wildlife.


"Robert E Fuller deserves all the credit possible, as he works so hard for the wonderful wildlife. I am so pleased to be on board."

"I think live bird cams are a great stress reliever, watching

them has a very calming effect. Your livestream also offers such a variety of wildlife to watch as well. Another factor is the sense of community that you have connecting with viewers from literally all over the world!."

"So thankful I found this live stream last year during this pandemic. It helps my mind relax, I've learned so much about the owls and UK nature. This group chat has the best, kindest souls on line."