Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon. Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant …Saleuwihna
Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon.
Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant, where she presides over funerals and liturgies of the word. The parish has no priest.
She tried to enrol in a four-year course to become a deacon, but was turned down, and sees this rejection as "gender discrimination".
"I am indeed angry, but I am also determined," she told Belgian state broadcaster Rtbf.be (14 May) which is known for its anti-Church stances.
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels defended the decision: "At the moment (sic) only men can be ordained deacons. So there's no point in doing the formation, because the finality of becoming one is impossible".
The spokesman added: "The Belgian bishops are in favour of [invalid] women deacons."
The court in Mechelen has one month to make a decision.
The current Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, 55, is …Saleuwihna
Opera 369
These women... (why deaconess..?) She can't find a different vocation? It surely isn't to "serve-love the Lord" ! Must be just the 'fever of entitlement …Saleuwihna
These women... (why deaconess..?) She can't find a different vocation? It surely isn't to "serve-love the Lord" ! Must be just the 'fever of entitlement'...just because society/church is so messed up!
John A Cassani
“At the moment” it is impossible. At this point, I think we can say that Nuchurch “deaconesses” are a “done deal.”

♥ Modlitwa 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo ♥

♥ 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo - ku czci Najdroższej Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa ♥ Za podstawę praktyki modlitewnej - siedmiu Ojcze nasz i siedmiu Zdrowaś Maryjo służy objawienie, którego nasz Pan i …Saleuwihna
♥ 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo - ku czci Najdroższej Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa ♥
Za podstawę praktyki modlitewnej - siedmiu Ojcze nasz i siedmiu Zdrowaś Maryjo służy objawienie, którego nasz Pan i Zbawiciel udzielił Swoim Świętym: Św. Brygidzie, Św. Gertrudzie i Św. Mechtyldzie :
"Wiedzcie, Moje najdroższe córki, iż kiedy Mnie pojmano na świecie, zadano Mi 16 razów i 30 policzków. Od Ogrójca aż do domu Annasza, kiedy z powodu zmęczenia padłem na ziemię, wycięto mi 16 razów na plecach i nogach, aby Mnie zmusić do powstania. Podnoszono Mnie za brodę 33 razy. Przy słupie biczowania popychano Mnie gwałtownie. Zadano Mi jeden śmiertelny cios i wycięto Mi 6.666 uderzeń. Koronę cierniową wtłoczono Mi na Głowę i wiele cierni przeszyło Mnie aż do mózgu, które zadały Mi 32 rany na Głowie Mojej. Tam też uderzono Mnie trzy razy, przyprawiając Mnie nieomal o śmierć za każdym razem. Pluto Mi w twarz 73 razy. Żołnierzy, którzy Mnie pojmali, było 68, tych, pod których straż Mnie oddano, było 33. Trzy …Saleuwihna
Karolina K
Boże dziękuję Ci za każdy dzień ! Swoją modlitwę zaczęłam 12.12.2012.
Stanisława K
Modlę się tą modlitwą od 01 .07. 2021 🙏
111 koméntar séjéna

Diocese Bans Priests from Speaking to Media Activists ("Journalists")

The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters. The new policy states that diocesan …Saleuwihna
The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters.
The new policy states that diocesan communications officials will "either address the request directly or work with the employee to provide a response to the inquiry".
Joe Martone, the diocese's director of communications, points out: "What we're really trying to do is not stifle the communication of the diocese, we're trying to coordinate it."
This is understandable, as many priests are naïve and don't realise that media activists are not interested in the truth. Instead, they only talk to people to promote their own agenda and narrative.
John A Cassani
Is that an AI generated picture?

Oración de liberación del vicio de la homosexualidad en honor a los Santos Mártires de Uganda.

Oración novena se reza tres veces al día junto con el Rosario: Oh Padre Celestial, grande y misericordioso , venimos a ti hoy en el Nombre de Jesús, tu Hijo Bendito y Santo, por el Poder de Tu Espíritu …Saleuwihna
Oración novena se reza tres veces al día junto con el Rosario:
Oh Padre Celestial, grande y misericordioso , venimos a ti hoy en el Nombre de Jesús, tu Hijo Bendito y Santo, por el Poder de Tu Espíritu Santo para pedir la liberación de los males del pecado de la fornicación trenzado en la vida de _______________. Este día especialmente te rogamos , ayunamos y dirigimos hacia ti nuestro grito de suplicas concernientes a_____________ que se encuentra atrapado(s) en la trampa de la homosexualidad (o concernientes a ____________que se encuentra (n) tentado (s) por una atracción sexual al mismo sexo) y te pedimos en honor a esta oración y en nombre del testimonio de los Santos Mártires de Uganda por la liberación de ________.
Sabemos que tu Santa Palabra prohíbe estas cosas como abominaciones y que la paga del pecado es la muerte si no hay arrepentimiento. Sin embargo el mundo ha optado por doblar la rodilla a lo que es popular, en lugar de lo que es correcto. Se busca la aprobación de estos …Saleuwihna
José Camilo Rada
Padre, le pido rece esta novena conmigo. Es para una persona que estimo mucho. Si quiere nos comunicamos privadamente y le pediría el favor muy grato …Saleuwihna
Padre, le pido rece esta novena conmigo. Es para una persona que estimo mucho. Si quiere nos comunicamos privadamente y le pediría el favor muy grato de que rece conmigo.
Ana Eugenia Castillo Chacon
Señor mio tengo fe que mi hijo sanará y tomará el camino correcto. Yo estoy haciendo esta novena con fé
125 koméntar séjéna

Erection on the Cross? No Blasphemy Off-Limits

Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross. Indulging …Saleuwihna
Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross.
Indulging in his sick fantasies, the 53-year-old American citizen said that blood would have rushed to Christ's lower body as a result of the execution by crucifixion.
A parishioner explained to TheTimes.co.uk (11 May): "He told people that Jesus died with an erection. The audience was shocked. There were young families there".
Complaints about the "vulgar" sermon led to an "ongoing" investigation, the spokesman for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle said. Good Friday was 29 March. The matter could be 'investigated' in 10 minutes. 'Ongoing investigation' therefore means that there is no will to come to a conclusion.
Picture: diocesehn.org.uk, #newsGysdpxqice
Everyday for Life Canada
We dare the sick man to try that with Mohammed.
Philadelphia Trad
It’s what happens when sodomites are admitted into seminaries.
3 koméntar séjéna
Tempi di Maria

Messaggi di Anguera: il quadro profetico dello scontro finale

Negli ultimi anni, soprattutto sotto l’ultimo Pontificato, i messaggi della Regina della Pace di Anguera presentano una struttura molto comune e, a parte alcune profezie occasionali inserite come …Saleuwihna
Negli ultimi anni, soprattutto sotto l’ultimo Pontificato, i messaggi della Regina della Pace di Anguera presentano una struttura molto comune e, a parte alcune profezie occasionali inserite come inframmezzo nel corpo dei messaggi e l’invito a seguire (nel 2017 in modo particolare) alcuni particolari esempi biblici di fedeltà a Dio e franchezza profetica tratti sia dal Vecchio che dal Nuovo Testamento, la Madonna insiste su determinati punti che vale la pena sottolineare. Rimangono tutti i grandi temi spirituali dei messaggi dati durante gli anni precedenti ma vi sono delle sottolineature nuove (per es. circa l’Eucaristia) o vere e proprie “nuove rivelazioni” (p. s. - c'è una prevalenza di messaggi di A.D. 2017 in quanto l'articolo fu scritto in quell'anno e completato successivamente)
(VIDEO) PARLA IL VEGGENTE DI ANGUERA PEDRO REGIS: catechesi completa spirituale-profetica
Speciale (2):
IMPORTANTE INTERVISTA AL VEGGENTE DI ANGUERA PEDRO REGIS: storia delle apparizioni, posizione …Saleuwihna
Fonzie ngabagikeun ieu
messaggi. edsonSaleuwihna
@Raffaelina Miele Grazie- benvenuta! Purtroppo non posso dirle "benvenuta in questa bella casa virtuale", perché la casa ha attualmente grossi problemi …Saleuwihna
@Raffaelina Miele Grazie- benvenuta! Purtroppo non posso dirle "benvenuta in questa bella casa virtuale", perché la casa ha attualmente grossi problemi di tipo "tradizionalista".
Ad ogni modo, la saluto cordialmente.
3 koméntar séjéna

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns …Saleuwihna
The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns of Belorado are known for selling sweets.
De Rojas was educated in an Opus Dei school and later became close to the Priestly Society of Pius X. In 2005 he founded his own "Pía Unión de San Pablo Apóstol" in Bilbao. This group has about 100 members and some "clergy" and is somehow linked to Palmar de Troya, Seville, a group that has its own "pope" who comes from Switzerland and has invented its own Novus Ordo.
De Rojas's headquarters in Bilbao has ornaments everywhere, bookcases, ornate furniture, crockery and maids in bonnets. In 2017, he participated in a 1900s fashion show in Bilbao organised by Fernando Botanz who presents himself as a homosexual and who, according to InfoVaticana.com, has a close relationship with De Rojas.
De Rojas was "ordained" a "bishop" by the sedevacantist Daniel …Saleuwihna
Tony Smith
Better than being under this apostate pope.
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that …Saleuwihna
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that schism always eventually leads to heresy and ultimately to "lala land."
4 koméntar séjéna

Fiducia Supplicans: A Spanish Diocese Concludes that One Violation Has Violated the Other Violation

The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas. The diocese is presently being ruined by …Saleuwihna
The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas.
The diocese is presently being ruined by Bishop Ernesto Brotóns, who is fully responsible for the statement. His text promises that "the appropriate canonical measures have been taken", which means nothing.
In obvious contradiction to reality, Brotóns' statement denies that there was "any intention" to simulate a sacrament. The whole show was modelled on a wedding, including two disguised homosexuals and a priest. Everyone could see that it was the simulation of a sacrament.
The statement criticises only that "the forms clearly violated the provisions" of the Vatican's homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans'. The bishop insists that he "believes" in the "value" of the blasphemous blessing of sin.
Mgr Brotóns ends with crocodile tears: "We deeply regret the scandal and confusion that the misapplication of the Declaration has …Saleuwihna
The Nun Who Died Smiling Could Be Argentina's Next Saint! Sister Cecilia Maria of the Holy Face was a Carmelite nun who died in 2016 after battling cancer. Her story made headlines when a photo of her …Saleuwihna
The Nun Who Died Smiling Could Be Argentina's Next Saint!
Sister Cecilia Maria of the Holy Face was a Carmelite nun who died in 2016 after battling cancer. Her story made headlines when a photo of her smiling on her hospital bed went viral all over social media.
Her testimony of love and trust in Jesus Christ, even in the midst of the hardest trials, has awakened in many hearts the desire for a greater commitment to Christian life.
Many thanks to my friend Tess for her narrations: Subscribe to her YouTube channel: 15 Promises of the Rosary | Audio
Background Music:
🎶 Track: Bring Me The Sky by Scott Buckley
🎶 Link: 'Bring Me The Sky' [Cinematic Uplifting Orchestra CC-BY] - Scott Buckley ----- Follow me on my socials: X: twitter.com/jerome_chong9?t=Hh0IU1AQNW3Ja1r2AXiTJw&s=09 Instagram: jeromec97 Email: jeromechong197@gmail.com

Falsely Accused: US Bishop Cleared Of Absurd Charges

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case. He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he …Saleuwihna
Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case.
He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he was accused of failing to adequately disclose to a parish that the Rev. Uririoghene Okrokoto was prohibited from contact with minors. As a result, Chappetto was accused of potentially endangering minors.
Reverend Okrokoto had a history of "boundary violations" with teenage girls. After treatment at a mental health facility, he was assigned to a Brooklyn parish in June 2021. Within weeks, Okrokoto was seen at the parish in the company of a teenage girl. He was removed from ministry again in October 2021 and remains suspended.
The Diocese of Brooklyn told PillarCatholic.com (13 May) that the Vatican's Dicastery for Bishops had concluded after an investigation that the allegations against Chappetto were "manifestly unfounded and the case has been closed".
The investigation was conducted by …Saleuwihna
John A Cassani
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should …Saleuwihna
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should ever be allowed to perform ministry at a parish, much less live in a parish rectory. The Vicar General is in charge of such matters. Perhaps we will find out that prior allegations were deemed untrue, but nothing is known about that as of now.
As clear as mud.

Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions This Isn't Normal, There's Something Not Right Happening Here. Please share - Raise The Alarm Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of …Saleuwihna
This is a betrayal of biblical proportions
This Isn't Normal, There's Something Not Right Happening Here.
Please share - Raise The Alarm
Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.
ed-profoundly concerning
Mainly young 'fighting age' men
but a stratagem entirely congruent with the psychopathic treasonous and cowardly behavior already factually and evidently exhibited by the politicians and regimes in ALL western countries.
Breaking: UN Troops To Be Used Inside The US For Civil Unrest Breaking: UN Troops To Be Used Inside The US For Civil Unrest Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. "these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown" The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants …Saleuwihna

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April. It appears that Williams was …Saleuwihna
Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April.
It appears that Williams was forced to issue the apology. He regrets only "the language of the blessing", the use of the church and liturgical vestments, but insists he "meant it well".
"The form that the blessing took, as shown in the video, was due to my attempt to give them a meaningful (!) moment of God's grace (!)".
It was only when the video of the pseudo wedding went viral that Williams realised he had "made a very poor choice of words".
"I am deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger this has caused, especially to the people of God."
He didn't apologise for the blasphemy he committed, he won't be punished, and no reparations will be made.
Wilma Lopez ngabagikeun ieu
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that …Saleuwihna
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that violated Catholic Church’s new guidelines.
James Manning
Apparently Fr. Joseph "regrets" his actions here. But would he regret his sacrilege if the video of the event never went online?
9 koméntar séjéna
Like many single mothers of prodigal sons, Evenor Pineda’s Mom struggled against formidable forces — the streets, the gangs, jail, then prison — but never gave up.

Evenor Pineda and the Late Mother’s Day Gift — Beyond These Stone Walls

Evenor Pineda and the Late Mother’s Day Gift Toya Graham is not exactly a household name, but odds are you’ve seen her. Just about …

The Antichrist Is a Nice Guy

Eck published an analysis of the Antichrist on Caminante-Wanderer.Blogspot.com (6 May). - Not the idols of paganism are the true idols, but the idols of possession, prestige, pleasure and power; slavery …Saleuwihna
Eck published an analysis of the Antichrist on Caminante-Wanderer.Blogspot.com (6 May).
- Not the idols of paganism are the true idols, but the idols of possession, prestige, pleasure and power; slavery is embodied in them.
- The devil rules and holds people in bondage through the law of sin, and is therefore called "the prince of this world" (John 12).
- Christ was not interested in exchanging one religion for another, but he wanted to go to the root of the human problem: the human heart.
- Christ did not confront the kings of his time, who were mere puppets, but the One who gave them their orders. Christ didn't confront the rich, but the money that created them; he didn't confront sinners, but sin, which he destroyed on the cross.
- The Saviour came to "revolutionise" the world, that is, to bring it back to where it was before the Fall. "Re-volvere" in Latin, applied to the planets, means to return them to their true course.
- The "revolutionary work" of the Church, her saints and …Saleuwihna
Asked what message he wanted to leave, he said: “I have thought about it quite a bit and came to the conclusion that I don’t have a message for future generations. We know what we ought to be doing, …Saleuwihna
Asked what message he wanted to leave, he said: “I have thought about it quite a bit and came to the conclusion that I don’t have a message for future generations. We know what we ought to be doing, but we don’t do it. We haven’t learnt from the past.”

Fr Francis Wahle RIP

With sadness we announce the death early this morning, Tuesday 14 Fr Francis was born in Vienna, Austria in August 1929 and ordained to the priesthood at Palazzola, Rome July 1965 …

Peru Recognises Transvestitism as a Mental Disorder

The Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the health insurance system (PEAS). On 10 May this year, the Peruvian …Saleuwihna
The Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the health insurance system (PEAS).
On 10 May this year, the Peruvian executive approved a decree affecting transvestites.
In this measure, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the Health Insurance System (PEAS), which implies the recognition of homosexual "identities", especially those who identify as transvestites, as pathologies.
ICD-10 diagnoses related to different expressions of sexuality and gender [pseudo] identity will now be considered mental disorders covered by the National Health Service.
Although the aim of this measure is to favour and pay attention to the people concerned, the decree has provoked intense debate and dissatisfaction among the homosexual lobbies, which have been trying for years to present their behaviour as normal, which can fluctuate according to the …Saleuwihna
Sean Johnson
Perhaps, but they’re also the only one who showed up besides Russia.
Well shiver me tutus, they're a little late to the patry aren't they.
Got Julie Marie Jahenny written all over it

Fiducia Supplicans: Another Homosex-Blasphemy in a Church

Triggered by Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia supplicans', a homosexual [pseudo] blessing was staged in the Nuestra Señora de Belén Church in Miajadas, Diocese of Plasencia, Spain. One of …Saleuwihna
Triggered by Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia supplicans', a homosexual [pseudo] blessing was staged in the Nuestra Señora de Belén Church in Miajadas, Diocese of Plasencia, Spain.
One of the two homosexual concubines admitted on a social network that their complicity in sin was hardened and had lasted for 30 years.
"We were very happy to be able to do it in the Church, to be the first homosexual couple of many to come," he announced.
It seems that the initiative for the sacrilege came from Don Enrique Gómez Rodríguez, the parish priest, as can be seen from a post by one of the concubines: "THANK YOU Enrique, for proposing to us to have the blessing in the church of Bethlehem, to which we did not hesitate for a minute to say 'yes'. It was a beautiful ceremony".
During the [pseudo] blessing, the two homosexuals each held a candle, and the priest wore an alb and a stole.
Gómez Rodríguez is known for his pro-homosexual weakness. Yet he is a member of the Council of Priests of …Saleuwihna
Ann Smith
A mockery before the Lord! Have mercy 🙏
This apostasy coming from the very top the same techniques used to subvert higher education with culture Marxism is used against the Catholic Church.Who …Saleuwihna
This apostasy coming from the very top the same techniques used to subvert higher education with culture Marxism is used against the Catholic Church.Who controls purse strings rule
2 koméntar séjéna
Ś C I E R W A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!